Getting Started

Learn how to become a member

Do I have to pay to sign up?

Sign up for and unlock convenient US shopping. Use your own Forwardme address at any US brand's checkout page, regardless of your location.

Creating an account

Creating an account on is quick and hassle-free.

What U.S. address will be provided?

What U.S. address will be provided?When you sign up with, you'll receive a unique suite number assigned to you, allowing you to utilize our Tax-Free Delaware and New Jersey warehouses for your shipping requirements.

How do I use my Forwardme address on a retailer's site?

Enter your unique Forwardme U.S. address at checkout, including your personalized suite number for identification purposes.

What happens if the retail doesn't ship to Forwardme address?

Overcome shipping limitations with when retailers don't ship to freight forwarder addresses.

What U.S. state sales tax do I have to pay and do I pay the retailer or Forwardme?

Gain insights into U.S. state sales tax and customs charges when using

How to contact Forwardme Support Team?

Need assistance with your shipping needs? Contact for reliable support via chat, email, and phone.

Can I change delivery address after placing order?

Changing Delivery Address.

Can I shop from multiple stores?

Shopping from multiple stores, and shipping in one order.

What are the payment methods of Personal Shopper?

We accept major credit cards, PayPal, and Google/Apple Pay, ensuring a secure and convenient payment experience.

Can my order canceled?

When you shop online, especially from large corporations such as Apple, Target, and BestBuy, you might run into challenges if these companies detect that you are using a parcel forwarding service.

Will you notify me after my package arrives to you?

Ever wonder how you'll know when your package has arrived at our facilities? We've got you covered!

How to save on shipping costs?

Discover effective strategies to save money on shipping costs with

What is the Optimal Time Window for Walmart-Like Deliveries?

Protecting your deliveries from theft is a top priority for us at

How 'Refer a Friend' works?

Earn $10 when you invite a friend to Forwardme and they accept.